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Prof.Balaram wrote There are guides who have no interest in their discipline and leave their wards to their own devices. Surprisingly, it is these guides who produce some of the most resilient scienti


Prof.Balaram wrote “There are guides who have no
interest in their discipline and leave their wards to their
own devices. Surprisingly, it is these guides who produce
some of the most resilient scientists, self-taught men and
women, who develop great confidence in their abilities”
[Current Science 87(2004)1319].
A researcher should provide new information to the
supervisor and avoid getting information from the supervisor.
He should learn and collect many information
related to his work. He should definitely avoid embarrassing
the supervisor and senior researchers by asking
doubts often. A good supervisor or a senior researcher
does not provide answers to your questions but gives appropriate
directions to clarify your doubts.
During the course of research, one should focus the
mind mainly on the research work. Don’t allow the
personal life to interfere with research. Diversions to
other activities should be avoided. Further, after working
about say three years and when the time has came
to consolidate the work done so far a researcher should
not start to work on an entirely new topic. He can complete
his thesis work and then work on new topic of his
interest. The woman Nobel Laureaute Maria Goeppert
Mayer said,“If you love science, all you really want is to
keep on working.”
A researcher must be clear in his thoughts. He should
know what he has to find out. In order to perform the
work successfully the researcher should acquire proper
training in the techniques of research. The training
equips the researcher with the requirements of the task.
Further, he should be clear about his task and possess
intellectual insight. Then only he is able to find out the
facts that would help him in his task. Make your research
a part of your every day life. Think about your research
work in background mode, ideas will come out even when
you are seeing a movie, traveling to a place, sight-seeing
and shopping. Ted Gottfried the author of biography of
Fermi said, “Scientific research is like sports. To score,
the focus of the scientist must be narrow and intense to
the exclusion of everything else around him. The batter
never takes his eye off the ball, the hoopster shuts
out everything but the court, the golfer always follows
through–and the scientist focuses his complete attention
on the task at hand and nothing else.”
A young researcher should also have persistence, tolerance
and self-control over the unpleasant outcomes such
as not getting an expected result, not recognized by the
supervisor and rejection of a research article from a journal.
“Don’t get dejected when your paper is rejected”–
Prof.P.R. Subramanian. Some times one may complete a
piece of work within a week which he might have expected
to finish it in a month time. On the other hand, at some
times one may get stuck with a particular part of the
work and unable to make a substantial progress, say, in
three months. Avoid feeling remorseful at these circumstances
and maintain a high tolerance for poor results.
Remember that failure and wasted works are also part
of the research career. Young researchers should create
good relationship with their seniors and colleagues.
C. Getting Joy in Doing Research
To get a deep insight on the topic or the research problem
a suggestion from Dr K.P.N. Murthy is that one
should enjoy doing research and approach it as an entertainment
and a mode of getting happiness. In the research
career one should treat doing research as a way of
life and not just a job. In order to achieve a goal in the
research one has to work harder. The harder one works
the happier one feels. One need not try to conquer the
world of science. One has to come in order to work and
to find his way. Initially one must work hard. Getting
insise a research topic or a research career is like a pushing
a door. It is hard to push the door open. But when
one understand it it is ver interesting and joyful.
Chandrasekhar pointed out that in the arts and literature
quality of work improves with age and experience
while in science generally it does not. He felt that it is
because of doing science in isolation, very narrow focus
on immediate goals and insufficient broad in interests and
pursuits. In order to continue research even at old age
one should develop the spirit of experiencing the beauty
of science. The spirit of experiencing it is not restricted
to only the great scientists. Chandrasekhar said, “This is
no more than the joys of creativity are restricted to a fortunate
few. They are instead accessible to each one of us
provided we are attuned to the perspective of strangeness
in the proportion and conformity of the parts of one another
and to the whole. And there is satisfaction also be
gained from harmoniously organizing the domain of the
science with order, pattern and coherence.”
Professor G.Baskaran stressed that group discussion is
indeed an important component of doing research particularly
in small and isolated institutions. He said, “One
cannot explain the power and usefulness of group discussions
– it has to be experienced. When I was a student
at the Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc.), Bangalore, a
few of us students of physics from I.I.Sc. and National
Aeronautic Laboratory were introduced to this joyous
experience by S.K.Rangarajan, formerly a Professor of
chemistry, in whose house we assembled virtually every
evening to discuss such grave issues as amorphous solids
and renormalization group. Each one of the discussants
has made a mark” (Current Science, 75(1998)pp.1262).
For a discussion on emotional factors see, for example,
D. Crucial Stage of Ph.D
The crucial period for a research scholar doing full-time
Ph.D. is the last year of the programme. During this period
one should concentrate on completing the final work
for his thesis and writing of various chapters. Generally,
a research fellowship is for fixed period of time, it might
have ended before the final year of the Ph.D. programme.
We have noticed many scholars converted the full-time
programme into part-time and joined in a job. If the job
is a permanent one then one can join in the job and continue
the research. But joining in a temporary position
may highly change his research career. This would delay
the submission of his Ph.D. thesis and he may loose the
interest in research. There are examples with students
capable of getting a post doctoral fellowship but failed
to even continuing the research. Therefore, a research
scholar should have a clear plan of what he has to do in
the next few years or so. Even if the fellowship is not
available at the finishing stage of Ph.D. thesis we have
friends and our well wishers to give financial support to
some extend.
One should aim at doing good research. What is good
research? Which universities and research institutions in
your country do the best research? How do you distinguish
the great from a good, a black hole from an ordinary
hole, a superconductor from a normal conductor,
supernova from mere stars, poles from ordinary points,
linear differential equations from nonlinear ones?
To distinguish one from another we can use various
quantities. Like wise, to identify the best from among the
available, one can use various quantities to measure the
quality of them. For example, to identify a best research
the quality of the one’s research publications, number of
citations of his publications, projects completed, books
published, contribution made to the science and society,
etc. can be considered.
Research work
(1) published in reputed international journals,
(2) cited by other researchers working in the same or
similar topic and
(3) which added new information to the existing knowledge
on a topic
are generally considered as good.
At the beginning of research career a young researcher
should aim to produce a good research, particularly, his
research findings should distinguish him from other researchers
and keep him one among the top young researchers
in the nation. In order to encourage young
researchers and motivate them to produce high quality
of research work awards are given yearly by certain academic
and research bodies in each country. For example,
in India, Indian President Award, Indian National
Science Academy (INSA) Young Scientist Award and
many other awards are given every year. Some Conference/
Seminar organizers also provide best papers award
to young scientists.
A. What are the Points to be Kept in
Mind in Order to do a Good Research?
Actual investigation should lead to original contribution
and not involve objectionable duplication. Originality
is the basic credit point of any research. Therefore,
actual investigation must be directed towards obtaining
novel results. A researcher should develop new ideas and
obtain deep insight into the problem in order to get novel
and new results which are the characteristics of a good
Trivial analysis should not be performed. Recently introduced

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