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时间:2010-03-07 23:24来源:未知 作者:留学生作业 点击:
1.5 Objectives of the study The study intended to explore the factors affecting performance of the primary school management committees in managing education at the grassroots level. More specifically


1.5 Objectives of the study
The study intended to explore the factors affecting performance of the primary school management committees in managing education at the grassroots level. More specifically, the study aimed at accomplishing the following objectives:-

To examine the procedural requirements for members’ selection, composition and service tenure of the school committees;  
To explore the extent to which school committees are informed of their roles, and the mechanisms through which information exchange between the school committees and the代写留学作业提供代写Essay代写Assignment,请联系QQ:949925041 stakeholders(local authorities, parents, teachers and others ) 
To assess the competences of school committee members in terms of the necessary  basic skills for sound  planning and implementation of  school development projects at  the local level; and
To assess the willingness of individual school committee members to commit their energies and time towards promotion of education at their localities;
To examine the extent to which school committees have autonomy to make decisions and implement them in their local contexts.
1.6 Research questions 
The study attempted to answer one major question: “What are the factors affecting performance of school committees in Mvomero District Council and Morogoro Municipality”?  More precisely, the concern of the study was to answer the following research questions:-

What procedures are followed in the actual practice of selecting the school committee members?  Is there any stipulation in regard to composition and tenure of service of school committee members? How do all these affect the committees’ performance?
How do school committees receive information and provide feedback to stakeholders?  How often are there contacts? What kind of contacts: Formal? Informal? What do the stakeholders say about the adequacy of the information flow mechanisms? Do the members of the community have the opportunity to question the committee’s day to day operations?
What are the actual profiles of the school committee members?  What are their levels of education?  What about skills/experience possessed? What is the gap between the highest and lowest education qualification possessed? Do these have any effect to the performance of the committee? In what ways?

What is the level of commitment of individual members to work as representatives of the community in decision making at the school?  Are they satisfied? What motivates them to become members of the school committee? How does this influence their performance? 

What is the role of school committees when it comes to decision making and implementation at the local level? Are they given autonomy? What are the boundaries of this autonomy? How does it affect the performance of the school committees?

1.7 Significance of the study

The rationale of the study rests on the fact that the Education sector in Tanzania has undergone fundamental transformations as a result of the major administrative, economic and political reforms that have taken place in the country in the last decade. not much has been done to

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