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时间:2010-03-07 23:24来源:未知 作者:留学生作业 点击:
By looking at these two cases, we learn that there are so many disparities in their nature and context that they necessitate the use of different strategies. The first case is meant for poor women as


By looking at these two cases, we learn that there are so many disparities in their nature and context that they necessitate the use of different strategies. The first case is meant for poor women as the main target while the second one is meant for the entire community: men, women, children, rich, poor etc. While the first case is more in the economic context (land ownership and disposal), the second is more of the social- political context (ownership sector ownership, governance and accountability). The nature of the first case might be embedded with some cultural barriers (values and norms) that have been internalized as those inhibiting women to own land and other properties, while the second might have comparatively fewer complications owing to its being a service provision endeavour, meant for the children of both parents (men and women). It is from the variations among the contexts (social, political, institutional/economic and cultural) that complicates the intervention strategies. Yet in practice, the empowerment strategies are not formulated in a static environment. The environment changes with time, and so should the strategies be to suit a given context. Now the question remains: ‘what are the fundamental elements of empowerment that will at most cut across all contexts and remain relatively stable (consistent) in the turbulent social, political and institutional environments’? The answer to this question will then form the basis for our framework. Various elements have been identified by various scholars. However the suitability of a particular framework本站提供代写Essay代写Assignment,请联系QQ:949925041 of elements will depend upon the frequency at which they feature in successful empowerment efforts (World Bank, 2002).
 2.7The World Bank’s model
Although it is not possible to have a single model for empowerment, experience shows that certain elements are almost always present in successful empowerment efforts regardless to the differences in the contexts of empowerment interventions. It is from this view; the World Bank (2002) attempted to identify some key elements that at most tend to feature in most of the successful projects. The bank comes up with four fundamental elements of empowerment that must underlie institutional reform. The elements include: Access to information, Inclusion / participation,  Accountability and Local organizational capacity.
 2.7.1Access to information
Information is power. Well informed citizens are better equipped to take advantage of opportunities, access services, exercise their rights, negotiate effectively, and hold state and non-state actors accountable. Releasing information about the performance of institutions, future plans and many other issues of interest enhances transparency in the government, public service, and the private sector. Regulations about rights to information and freedom of the press promote informed citizen action. In this view they should be easily available by every citizen. Unrestricted two-way information flow from government to citizens, and from citizens to government is critical to responsible, responsive and accountable governance. The basic assumption here is that access to information promote stakeholders’ knowledge, competences and initiatives; making them more effective in their performance. The more the information they have, the higher is their self-confidence and initiative to make decisions and the higher is their performance.

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