攻略7:最后面就是Reference啦。一般这是老师最喜欢看的一部分。来看看Reference的注意事项吧!Reference需要重新分一页,Reference之间必须空一行,Reference 排序顺序一般是按字母排序法,后面放的是带网址的Reference,引用了别人的文章一定要注意,引用了别人的原文需要在作者名后面标注(年代和页码);引用了别人的观点就需要在观点后面标注(作者名,年代和页码)。这些小细节都不能省略!
Assignment2 例文1
What is the Internet? There is no shortage of people who cite a paragraph from the UN committee on information to prove that "the Internet is the fourth medium". Little did they know that it was simply a blackmail. For the words of the United Nations information commission at that year's meeting were: "the United Nations should disseminate information through a fourth medium, the Internet, in addition to the original print, radio and television media." In essence, it means perfecting the UN website and giving full play to the role of this emerging media. The fourth medium and the fourth medium are different.
Others have hailed the "decentralization" of web2.0 to the Internet, and the era of web portals dominating the world is over. In fact, the Internet was born to be "decentralized". Apaches, the predecessor of the Internet, was designed to prevent an enemy attack on a central command center from paralyzing the system. Little did they know that the deeper the decentralisation, the more centralised it becomes: search engines have replaced portals as the centre of today's Internet. The reason is simple: there is so much information that people need an entry to retrieve it. |