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硕士课程论文格式样本:Pop Art style jewellery-Research Project

时间:2011-03-30 10:45来源:英国作业网 作者:留学生作业 点击:
assignment格式样本:All pop art draws upon modern images of cultural icons, consumer products or modern conveniences, no matter what the message or nature of the art piece is. A piece of pop art may be an oversized spoon and a cherry, a


Module 3 Research Project

Pop Art style jewellery


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………03
Main body ……………………………………………………………………………04
Pop Art over view ………………………………………………………………………04
Color application …………………………………………………………………………06
The repeating or restructuring elements…………………………………………
The link with popular or fashion industry ………………………………………
Reference ………………………………………………………………………………

With the mutual integration of variety field of modern art, the contemporary jewellery has absorbed a range of different artistic styles. Appeared in the late fifties of the twentieth century, during over half century development, Pop Art has been widely applied in various industries, such as fashion industry. As a part of the fashion industry, Pop Art style also has gradually added into contemporary jewellery. In this essay, how I think about Pop Art will be introduced. Under the research of those Pop Art artists’ work, I divided my own Pop Art style into 3 parts: color application, the repeating or restructuring elements and the link with popular industry or fashion industry. It will be introduced one main artist for each part. According to these researches, it is supposed to enhance my own work and give me a clue to find the way of how to be an independent artist.

 Pop Art overview

Today’s paper and electronic media are filled with items about pop music, pop stars, pop icons. In our increasingly global society, pop personalities and styles have no national borders. They are recognized all over the world. However, something or someone described as “pop” usually has a short shelf life: here today, gone tomorrow.

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