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美国文化论文-有关美国文化特色的essay-American culture(7)

时间:2012-03-06 10:00来源:美国文化论文网 作者:美国文化论文 点击:
Pennsylvania, intelligent design theory will be included in the teaching content of the first states. In October 2004, the Dover city school district in the state of JiaoWeiHui regulation, middle scho


Pennsylvania, intelligent design theory will be included in the teaching content of the first states. In October 2004, the Dover city school district in the state of JiaoWeiHui regulation, middle school students in grade 9 before evolution course, must first understand the intelligent design theory. In the biology class, the teacher still need to read a statement: "evolution is a theory, not a fact". And then, also have other states began in classroom of evolution for critical introduction. In 2005, the United States about 24 states and local government to consider science course of similar changes. In Georgia, cloth county, biological in the textbook has labeled as write have a similar statement stickers. Want to tear off sticker, have to get the court permission.

In 2005, President bush said in an interview at, agree with professor in the school of intelligent design theory, think that students can contact and evolution of different theories. The rebellious scientific not responsible for comments, no doubt, let evolution is injured. In August, 2006, the United States "science" an investigation shows that, almost forty percent people think that evolution is a fake, accept the theory of evolution was significantly lower in other countries. In 34 countries, http://www.szdhsjt.com/mgessaydx/2012/0306/19304.html ranked second. In contrast, Japan and western European countries the approval of the theory of evolution is more than 80%.

In 2009, is undoubtedly evolution of the year of fist exhibition. Borrow Darwin's 200th birthday, the origin of species published 150 anniversary, the United States each big science organization and the mainstream media spare no effort to publicity of the theory of evolution is correct. At present, already enumerate 31 countries will hold 281 games of activities, there are 170 games will be held in the United States. The Obama White House beginning, also explicitly support evolution education, no doubt is a good news.

S science is also created by god?

In the United States, the living creature teacher are the major teachers have a position. This is because, students want to read medical, must first learn biology. Some of the living creature teacher in the school, and a small privilege-pick the best students, with higher academic institutions carry out cooperative research, to provide students with internships.

But the living creature teacher in treating the evolution, not complete reunification, such as some states of middle school, professor evolution is illegal. Have Chinese americans in the blog describe such a sight. Biology teacher didn't believe that Darwin's theory of evolution. The teacher and the students agreed that everything is created by god. When American students hear that the Chinese people don't believe in god, United States students curiously ask her what Chinese people believe. She wanted to think, proudly told them: "the Chinese believe that the science." But as the United States of classmate answer than she also proudly: "science is also created by god."

In high school, as long as the credits to 22 points can graduate, scientific accounts for the three points. Science courses including biological, earth, chemical, physical, weather, and other disciplines and each course one credit. Students can choose course combination. This means, there could be a part of the students would not choose biology curriculum, hard to reach to the evolution of the content.

As a modern scientific the most important theory, the theory of evolution if not for people to accept, with potential harm is obvious. Students, parents and teachers, need to recognize all sorts of creationism appearance, but that can matting good biological medicine and life science foundation.

文化习俗是个范围广泛、内容复杂的题目,涉及人在社会生活和交往中的方方面面。笔者拟定以杂谈的形式,就美国人的文化习俗作一粗浅概述。 宽容性。
从文化角度上讲,美国人不拘礼节的习性与他们的民主平等观念相关。我们知道,美国历史发展进程中,没有封建社会这一阶段。贵族、贱民、等级、王室等欧洲大陆盛行的一套东西,在美国没有或者没有实际意义。人们对家庭、地位、身份不十分看重:更主要的是当事人本身的实际成就。这种产生于美国早期开发阶段的观念很大程度上已成了美国文化传统中的“沉淀物”。因为大家珍视平等的权利,人们互相交往中就没有必要过份讲究各种各样的繁缛礼节了。关于这一点,人们只要注意一下美国人见面时的打招方式就明白了。不管是下属见到上司,还是学生见到师长,美国人一般只需笑一笑,说声Hi或者Hello即可,而不必加上各种头街。还有,美国人在社交场合散席或者业务会议散会时,较少与人一个个地道别,而是向大家挥手说一声“好啦,我们再见吧”(Well, so long everybody)。这样做并不表示人们相互间缺少敬意,而是人们长年累月的习惯使然。
由于美国人强调平等,他们的社会等级观念相对而言比较淡薄,所以他们没有家庭世袭的头衔。相反,美国人喜欢用职业的名衔作为称呼,因为它靠自己“挣得”的,而不是世袭相传的。试举例如下:哈利法官(Judge Harley)、史密斯参议员(Senator Smith)、克拉克将军(General Clark)、布朗医生(Dr. Brown)、格林教授(Professor Green)、怀特神父(Father White)、科恩老师(Rabbi Cohen,对犹太人的尊敬用语)、格雷主教(Bishop Gray)等。从事其他行业的人,美国人以“先生”、“小姐”、“太太”相称。
美国人首次见面,若不晓得对方的头衔,但又要表示对他尊敬,他们常用“先生”(sir)或者“夫人”(madam)称呼。被你这样称呼的人将立刻明白,你不清楚该如何称呼他,于是,他会把合适的称呼告诉你。一般而言,除非一个人从事于某种专业性工作,如医生、教授等,美国人不常用正式名衔。这是因为美国人强调友好、不拘礼节的关系,而不重视名衔地位。美国人认为,即使直接称呼一个人的名字,人们同样可以对他表示尊敬。 事实上,大多数美国人不愿意自己因年龄或社会地位的关系而要他人特别尊敬他。这样会叫他们觉得不自在,觉得互相的距离过于分开拉大。许多美国人甚至觉得“先生”、“太太”、“小姐”的称呼也太一本正经,所以,他们倾向于直呼名字。譬如,“别叫我史密斯太太,叫我萨莉好了”。美国人认为,直呼其名,往往更容易表示友善和喜爱。当然,作介绍时,人们须连名带姓,如“玛丽 史密斯,这位是约翰 琼斯。”刚开头时,被介绍认识的人可能仍用对方的姓作称呼,如“史密斯小姐”,“琼斯先生”等。但没过多久,待对方开始熟悉、谈得投机之后,其中一人会问对方,“你介意我用你的名称呼你吗?”一般情况下,没人会介意。于是,双方便直呼名字,继续他们的交谈。因此,美国人聚在一起聊天时,很少使用头衔或者“先生”之类的词。

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