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时间:2015-08-31 10:48来源:留学作业网 作者:Zhanhuifang889 点击:


Healthy eating will be good for us and save us money in health care. Getting old is not easy on our bodies and it will be a nightmare for us as we get older. It has us thinking about our health and thinking about having enough money set aside for our retirement. We do have a budget but it is not enough so we looked for new ways that will help us save money and help out our health. That way we don't have to go to the doctor constintly. So I looked at all of our options and found that healthy eating will benefit us both ways, our health and our savings. I know that this will be good for everyone and it would be good for their families. It will also keep their families from having to go to the doctor because of this or that. It will give everyone more energy and more money and it never be an inconvenience to anyone. Everyone will have more time now to do things seperately and to do things together with their family. It will help us keep up with our children. To me that is essential for anyones family. It also helps us fight diseases. This essay will help us save money and show us that it is good for us. In this essay it will show how eating healthy is good for us and it will show us how to save some money. In the long run I know that this essay will be good for you and your family as well.
Healthy eating is not a diet. Healthy eating is a new way to live and enjoy your life. Diets are temporary, and some of them are not good for us, research which ones will be better for you first before going on one. By doing a few simple steps it will help us live a better life. Learning new ways to eat and making healthy eating a habit will make changing our lifestyle easier. Here are three steps that will help you learn to eat in a new way. They are: Aim for balance: Most days eat from the food pyramid, listen to your body when you're hungry, and stop when you are full; Look for variety: Be adventurous and choose different things will help you get all the nutrients you need; Practice moderation: Eat in proportions and don't have too much or to little of one thing. These steps will make it fun to learn to eat in a new way. Making healthy eating a habit will also make changing your lifestyle easier. First, think about why you want to eat healthier. Next, think about some changes that you want to make and are able to keep. Here are a couple of steps that will help you make and keep healthy eating a habit: Don't try to change everything at once: take your time; and set an easy goal that you can reach. Doing these two steps will help you make healthy eating a habit, and it will also help you keep it that way.
Having the control to eat right will help you eat healthy. Dr. David A. Kessler said:” Avoiding unhealthy eating and/or overeating has everything to do with taking an abstract desire to eat right and turning it into a concrete series of actions in the present.” He also said:”The first line of defense is awareness.” By having awareness and taking action it will give you the control that you need to eat healthy. There are many ways to be aware of what you eat. These are just two steps that will help you be aware: Looking at the problem: look at what is going on; and Accepting the problem: accept that you have a problem. By doing this you can then take the necessary action, there are a couple of things that will help you take action: Making a plan and following the plan. Doing all of these will help you gain control of what you eat and having control will help make your life style easier.
Healthy eating will also help prevent health problems. Eating healthy helps us in more ways than we can count and what we do with it counts in more than one way. Here are a few ways that healthy eating helps us. It helps our immune system to prevent diseases and help fight diseases, if we get them. Here are some diseases that it will help our bodies from and/or prevent getting: Heart disease, Stroke, High blood pressure, Cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis, and some types of cancer. With some of these it just lowers them and helps control them. Healthy eating can only help us prevent getting them but not stop us from getting them. It does benefit us in some ways to help us to prevent diseases. It makes our immune systems stronger and gives us more energy for our everyday lives. These are just a few ways that healthy eating benefits us. It also benefits us by making us feel better about ourselves.
Healthy eating will also save us money. It helps lower the cost of health care like doctor's visits and having to buy medicine. As stated above it makes our immune systems stronger; the stronger it is the less we get sick; the less we pay on these visits to the doctor and to the pharmacy to get the medicine that we need to get better. That way we can expand our wallets and our budgets. Chris Woolston states: “Food is probably your second biggest expense right after housing.” With the way things our in the economy it is not that easy staying on a budget. True enough that the less we go to the doctor or to the pharmacy lets us have more money in our wallets it is the price of food that takes the money out of our wallets. By making things home made and buying foods that are in bulk will help save some money. It will also help us to buy fresh produce as well. Here are some tips that will help us save some money in the grocery store. (Woolston)
1. Cut back on waste: don't buy more than you will actually eat.
2. Shop at home first: Go through the cabinets and refrigerator and make a list of what you don't have before going to the store.
3. Beware of instant gratification: Instant rice and oatmeal cost more that the slow cooking varieties.
4. Chop it and mix it yourself: you will save money if you buy whole fruits and vegetables and cut them yourself
5. Consider canned or frozen fruits and vegetables: it can be less expensive than fresh.
These are just some of the things that you can consider to help you budget your money. Another tip in saving your money is not going out to eat all the time. Staying home and cooking is healthier for you and your budget. The best thing to do to save money is to use common sense. Everyone has a different outlook when it comes to saving money but the best way to save money is to use common sense about what to buy, and you will be able to budget your money and help you save money.
This essay will help you eat healthy and save money. It will help you change your lifestyle. If you follow the tips that are listed in the essay; learning a new way to eat, making a goal, and etc.; you will eat better and save money. Isn't that what we want in the long run, a healthier life and saving money? I know that it will help your families live healthier and have money to save. It has made it to where we have more energy and it has kept us from having to go to the doctor constantly. We are also able to keep up with our children and keep up with our everyday lives. By staying home to cook and not going out it will help you save money. Healthy eating will never be an inconvenience to anyone and it will help you spend more time together by cooking together. It is fun to spend time with family and this helps you find new and creative ways to do so. We also like the fact that it helps us fight diseases. I also like saving money for a rainy day. You still can do what you normally do; you just have more fun doing it. You can do the same by reading and following these tips. In the long run healthy eating is good for us and will save us money in health care. Isn't that what we want in our lives and in our family's lives? I know that everyone will want this in their lives and I hope that everyone can and will want what everyone wants, to be healthy and save money.
Azzam , Amy M.; Kessler, David A., EBSCOhost: Finding Our Way Back to Healthy Eating , Educational Leadership, Dec2009/Jan2010, Vol. 67 Issue 4, pages 6-10
Woolston, Chris , Healthy Eating on a Budget, CONSUMER HEALTH INTERACTIVE, Generation Extra Large: Rescuing Our Children from the Epidemic of Obesity (Perseus paperback, 2006). , February 5, 2009.
Golonka, Debby, MPH, Quest Diagnostics, Healthy eating: Starting a plan for change, February 6, 2009.

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