Marks 7,6
(75% and above) 5
(74%-65%) 4
(64%-50%) 2,1
(49% or below)
Way of doing something, systematic procedure 6 Method shows deep understanding of relevant issues
Method shows strong understanding of relevant issues Method shows satisfactory understanding of relevant issues. Method shows little understanding of relevant issues.
6 Goes beyond unit materials in developing a logical structure for the analysis Apply unit materials in developing a logical structure for the analysis Adequate development of structure for the analysis Little or poor development of structure for the analysis
Detailed examination of elements or structure 6 Shows initiative and imagination in identifying uncertainties, risks and consequences Identify all obvious uncertainties, risks and consequences
Reasonable attempts to identify uncertainties, risks and consequences
Little or no attempt to identify uncertainties, risks and consequences
8 Logical, unbiased analysis grounded in facts Analysis mostly logical, unbiased and grounded in facts Analysis adequate but with some flaws
Analysis inadequate with major flaws
3 Convincing conclusions derived from the analysis Conclusions http://www.szdhsjt.com/ derived from the analysis Attempt to draw conclusions but sometimes unconvincing and/or unsupported. Conclusions absent or mostly unconvincing and/or unsupported.
Demonstration or display of … information 3 High quality written expression
Clear written expression
Legible and comprehensible
Partly or not legible and comprehensible
Precise: accurately expressed, definitive, exact 4 Major arguments are precise and logically presented Major arguments are clearly identifiable Major arguments are generally identifiable Major arguments are unclear
Concise: brief but comprehensive in expression 3 Supporting evidence is concise and enforces specific arguments without remaking them Supporting evidence is clearly linked with specific arguments
Supporting evidence is of a general nature but can be associated with major arguments Supporting evidence is unfocused and/or irrelevant
3 Referencing complete and in proper form Referencing generally complete and in proper form Referencing adequate Referencing inadequate
Subject: 8 Subject chosen is ambitious Subject chosen is challenging Subject chosen provides reasonable scope for analysis Subject chosen is simplistic