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英国护理学assignemnt作业:Introducing patient education to reduce hy

时间:2019-04-15 13:46来源:未知 作者:anne 点击:
Introduction介绍 这项assignment作业主要将讨论全球医疗保健改变患者教育以减少高血压。然后,找出如何在个人专业实践中运用领导和管理技能,并对其进行批判性分析。首先,这项任务将讨论当


This assignment will talk about a global healthcare change of patient education to reduce hypertension. Then, find out how to use leadership and management skills in individual professional practice and critically analyze it. First, this assignment will discuss current drives for changes in educating patient to reduce hypertension. Then, it will discuss about what leadership and leadership styles are and use leadership theories in individual professional practice to improve work efficiency. Besides, this essay will critically use leadership and people management skill to reflect analysis in individual professional practice. Next, it will discuss how to reduce the risk of hypertension in patient education. Finally, it will summarise significant points for what I have mentioned before.
According to Go et al (2014), hypertension is a common chronic disease, which known as high blood pressure. They also state hypertension is a long term medical condition refers to persistently high systemic arterial blood pressure and the heart, brain, kidney or other organs damage, and it is one of the main risk factors for stroke, heart disease, coronary artery disease and chronic kidney diseases in the world (Go et al, 2014). 
Lochner et al (2006) state the blood pressure measurements are consist of the systolic and diastolic pressures, and its value changes within a certain range. They also state hypertension is classified into two categories: primary and secondary hypertension. About 90 percent of hypertension is the primary hypertension, and anyone can develop high blood pressure due to lifestyle and genetic factors (Lochner et al, 2006). Lifestyle factors that increase the risk of high blood pressure are including age, genders, race, excessive salt intake, overweight, smoking and drinking. The secondary hypertension is caused by some identifiable medical condition, such as chronic kidney disease (Lochner et al, 2006). 
Based on the diagnosis, the healthcare providers should develop effective treatments for primary hypertension, which comprise lifestyle modifications and medication to decrease the blood pressure (Hackam et al, 2013). Therefore, for the patients with secondary hypertension, the treatment would work on the condition which suspected of causing the high blood pressure. It is widely known the healthcare of hypertension has been facing dramatic changes and undergoing a worldwide trend of development by the growth in several drivers recently (Hackam et al, 2013).
According to Macphee et al (2013), hypertension is a global epidemic, and it is also a kind of age-related pathophysiology. Generally, the risk of high blood pressure increases in stages as ageing. The blood vessels also lose its flexibility and permeability through aging, which can cause high blood pressure. Now the ageing population is likely to influence patterns of healthcare industry in both developed and developing countries. Macphee et al (2013) state the ageing population means a shift in the distribution of the countries population towards older age and decline in the number of youth. This has happened initially in the developed countries, but now becomes a global problem. Till year 2018, 10 percent of the total world population would be older than 50 (Macphee et al, 2013). The ageing population would put a lot of pressure on the healthcare system and arise two dramatic effects: the increasing demand of services delivery and the decreasing financial support from the government (Denton and Spencer, 2010).
Therefore, Poulter et al (2015) state hypertension (high blood pressure) is a biggest problem in global burden of disease. They also state it has a high improvement risk of hypertension at present. Therefore, if carers want to reduce the risk of hypertension, it should do many measurements on educating patients. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (2015) state there are several steps to maintain normal blood pressure levels: 1. Get patient’s blood pressure checked regularly. For example, check the blood pressure in free time each day or every other day.  2. Eating a healthy diet, eat some food without fatty. 3. Maintain a healthy weight, do some exercise regularly. For my individual nursing practice, I can provide some approaches to reduce the risk of hypertension for educating patients. If the patient is in hospital, I can remind patient of eating anti hypertension medication each time and based on different blood pressure to check once or twice each day. However, if the patient at home, I can suggest them to do some exercise and keep a balanced diet. To be sepicific, there will be a checklist to record names and brief personal information to remind the patient of eating and exercising in time.
According to Bass (2008), leadership is a complex topic, which is one of science’s most examined phenomena in society. Leadership in healthcare is vital to enable practitioners to delivery safe, high quality, evidence based and compassionate care in innovative ways (The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management 2015). The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (2015) states a good individual leader in health services should offer a high quality and safe care. Also they state leader should provide supportive, available, fair, respectful, compassionate and empowering in nursing practice. Therefore, to reduce the risk of hypertension, I have to develop and evaluate individual healthcare leadership development and management skills. 
Moreover, both leadership and management are overlapping concepts, and both of them are essential in the individual healthcare (Ricketts, 2009). Therefore, I have to design to reflect each individual patient’s needs in healthcare as a leader, which can develop the necessary management skills to reduce the risk of hypertension. 
When I was a leader, I have to set a vision of other workmates, inspire them and design organizational value and strategic development objectives. And the management skills involves in directing people and resources to achieve organizational values and strategic direction established. 
According to Gilmartin and D’Aunno (2007), a great deal of research is focused on nurses and nurse managers. There were strong links between nurse management skill and leadership style in nursing practice. Nurses preferred managers should be participative and emotionally intelligent and can use a great leadership style to organize other followers. Therefore, as a good nurse leader, I should have many excellent qualities, such as strong operational and cooperation ability. Gilmartin and D’Aunno (2007) also found that a good nurse leader should be flexible and can share power, to promote high quality nursing care. Karilnli et al (2008) state the quality of nurse managers’ relationships with their staff can use Leader Member Exchange theory to improvement work efficiency. When I was a leader, I would offer nurses opportunities for participation in decision making to develop their independent operational capacity. When I finished educating patient to reduce hypertension, I should review it again to check nothing has been missed. And if I missed some thing, I can tell patient immediately.
According to Zaccaro et al (2003), the leadership style theory emerged in the 1940s and 1950s, and it tends to be distinct by the motivation models performance by leaders. They state the leadership styles may influence the subordinates’ level of patients’ satisfaction and effectiveness of healthcare. In addition, the major types of the leadership styles based on the relationship between the leaders and the followers are transactional leadership and transformational leadership (McCleskey, 2014). Transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges and always occurs among leaders and followers (Bass, 2008). The leadership style is based on the notion that leadership could be constructed as a set of behaviors. In the transactional leadership, the relationship between leaders and followers is kind of transaction (Lai, 2011). Leaders will guide their followers in the direction to complete the mission by clarify their roles and tasks in practice. For the followers’ behaviour, the leader emphasizes only contingent reward or discipline. Therefore, if I used transactional leadership in my practice, I would discuss what is good for patient and convey some important things with workmates.

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