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代写英国教育专业termpaper:Chinese exploration of Froebel and Montess

时间:2019-08-12 10:14来源:未知 作者:anne 点击:
Abstract 摘要 通过对两位教育家儿童观的梳理和比较,发现两位教育家的儿童观是不够的,但具有时代意义。从时代的角度看,他们的思想必然有一定的局限性。弗罗贝尔和蒙台梭利的孩子们的


Abstract 摘要
Through the carding and comparison of the view of the children of the two educators, It find that the two educationalists' concept of children is not enough, but it has the significance of The Times. From the perspective of The Times, their thoughts inevitably have certain limitations. The view of the children of Froebel and Montessori is still significant for today's education. To this day, many education institutions in our country have absorbed the idea of Montessori education, and established the education institution of Montessori children. Ferro bell and Montessori thought about and activities, kindergarten teaching under the guidance of teachers and the contradiction betIten the game, in the modern education there is a dispute, the two big problems still worth thinking about.
Introduction 介绍
The latest issue of the kindergarten education guidelines (try out) "to encourage kindergartens to choose and design course based on the characteristics of local, hoItver, quite a number of kindergarten did not have the ability to independent design course, this is a blind imitation, deliberately seek new phenomenon. Especially in the face of rapidly foreign education mode, in quite a number of kindergarten and teachers did not really understand the meaning of the new curriculum, cases, with a smattering of new curriculum blindly copying, thus lost in the model without the localization of the new curriculum. Montessori education mode in the world the important position of preschool education system, and has been increasingly, preschool education circles in China know how to draw lessons from Montessori education mode and how to make the sinicization of Montessori education mode becomes the focus of experts and scholars and practitioners (PATTON,2014, P250).
"The concept of children is the general view and basic view of children on a philosophical level." The different backgrounds and experiences of life have created different views of children in the different aspects of Froebel and Montessori. He had a very sad childhood. He was born in a pastor's family, his father was busy with work, his mother died when he was less than a year old, and his stepmother abused him. He was introverted and rebellious, and longed for warmth and love. Montessori is a child of Catholic family and has a cheerful disposition since childhood. In the course of her schooling, her parents cut off her financial resources because she broke the family arrangement. HoItver, she still managed to complete her studies with her own efforts, thus creating her strong personality. Unfortunately, life doesn't turn them into demons. They crave attention and love, and turn to caring for children and children. Ferro bell, with the help of my uncle to the parish school at the university of Columbia dingen mineralogy study, he found the regularity of mineral crystallization, inspired by, and that man should be development regularity with nature thing is from the inside out, believe that genetic factors are the main factors to determine the level of people. During his tenure as dean in Switzerland, he developed a new understanding of children in practice and believed that his mother had an irreplaceable role in the development of children. Montessori was involved in the study of low-energy children, and therefore was associated with education. "The main problem with children's intellectual disability is the education problem, not the medical problem," she said. With the deepening of the research of low-energy children, she began to think about the education in normal children in this area, and puts forward some views on the development of normal children, she believes that "the child's life is developed according to the determination of biological genetic laws" environment is the second, to promote or inhibit role (DeLuca & Hughes, 2014, P96). It can see that the children's views of the two are based on their early life experiences and the social environment at that time. In a similar and different life experience, two educators have developed a similar and different view of children, such as the dynamic view of children's psychological development and the stage of child development.
Froebel and Montessori
Montessori has a systematic exposition of education, education philosophy and children's view and education view. As for the purpose of education, Montessori believes that no one is out of education, and you have to be yourself. In the early childhood, education was not intended to put some selective facts into children, but to cultivate their spontaneous learning desire. Montessori has a unique perspective on how to look at children: childhood is a complete individual. Montessori believes that children are not a dull life that depends on adults, not an empty container that needs to be filled by adults. It is children who create adults, do not experience childhood, do not pass the creation of children, there is no adult. She sees children as the source of love, and the child as the awakening of the adult spirit (Aslanian, 2015, P160).. Montessori believed that children had a mental development pattern long before they born. She called children the essence of this natural spirit embryos, this spirit is the embryo will only show in the process of development, and must have two conditions: first, children must depend on the overall relationship with the surrounding environment, including things with people. Only through this kind of communication can he know himself, understand the boundaries of the environment, and develop a complete personality. Second, children need freedom. So education has to start at birth. Although children are born with a spiritual development model that can lead him to grow, he does not have a behavioral pattern that guarantees success. Humans have a natural sensitivity that, if awakened too late, will damage the relationship betIten children and the environment. Montessori proposed eight child development law of nature: "work" rules, independent, attention, willpoItr, intelligence development, imagination and creativity, emotional and spiritual life, and growth stage. Montessori believes that the new education should include three factors: teachers, the environment and children. Children's body and mind are the result of the interaction betIten the individual and the environment. Only in a certain environment can children find something suitable for their natural development. Montessori stressed the importance of the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a "prepared" environment that will enable children's physical, intellectual and personal development. For Montessori, schools should be such a "prepared environment". The environment has six elements, including: the concept of freedom, structure and order, truth and nature, beauty and atmosphere, Montessori teaching materials and the development of group life (Platz, & Arellano, 2011, P61). The idea of Montessori education is similar to that of many educators in our country. Therefore, its ideas are increasingly recognized by Chinese young educators and accepted by all.

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