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时间:2018-07-03 17:03来源:未知 作者:quanlei_cai 点击:
很多人在写termpaperde 的时候,都喜欢模仿别人范文,把范文的结构、布局等内容应用到自己的写作中。这种模仿并不是抄袭,可以在写Termpaper时多多应用。但是在模仿的时候要注意,千万不能刻意追求省事,导致自己的文章看起来很怪异。 今天小编就给同学们分享麻省理工学院Ezra Zuckerman Sivan的一篇短文Tips to Article Writers。内容上,除了原文,会加上简单翻译和注解或一些书籍章节,以便拓宽、加深理解。希望对大家的Termpaper写作有所帮助。 要点1:告诉老师为什么你的论文值得读 Motivate the paper. The first question you must answer for the reader is why they should read your paper.


      很多人在写termpaperde 的时候,都喜欢模仿别人范文,把范文的结构、布局等内容应用到自己的写作中。这种模仿并不是抄袭,可以在写Termpaper时多多应用。但是在模仿的时候要注意,千万不能刻意追求省事,导致自己的文章看起来很怪异。 今天小编就给同学们分享麻省理工学院Ezra Zuckerman Sivan的一篇短文Tips to Article Writers。内容上,除了原文,会加上简单翻译和注解或一些书籍章节,以便拓宽、加深理解。希望对大家的Termpaper写作有所帮助。
      Motivate the paper. The first question you must answer for the reader is why they should read your paper. There is A LOT out there to read and it is very easy to find an excuse not to read a paper. Most people don't even read all the articles published in their field's flagship journals. So if you want your paper to be read, you need to sell the reader on why your paper is so great. The introduction of your paper has to be exciting. It must motivate the reader to keep on reading. They must have the sense that if they keep on reading, there is at least a fair chance that they will learn something new.
      Know your audience. Since different people get excited about different things, you cannot get them motivated unless you know their taste. And different academic communities/journals have very different tastes for what constitutes an interesting question and what constitutes a compelling approach to a question. The basic idea is that social scientific communities are arrayed by two dimensions, where the “rows” are “phenomena” [e.g., area studies; topics such as entrepreneurship or racial inequality] and the “columns” are disciplines or theories. One key lesson is that one typically needs to choose whether one is aiming for a “row” audience/journal or a “column” audience/journal, and motivate/frame one's paper accordingly. Trying to motivate both row and column simultaneously usually does not work.
      Use substantive motivations, not aesthetic ones. By an aesthetic motivation, I mean that the author is appealing to the reader's sense that a certain kind of theory or approach should be preferred regardless of its explanatory power (e.g., we should be avoiding “economistic” or “functionalist” or “reductionist” explanations). Sometimes aesthetic motivations work (for getting a paper accepted), but the contribution tends to be hollow because the end of research (figuring out how the world works) is sacrificed for the means (telling each other how much we like certain ideas). Another way of putting this is that we should not like a paper simply because it proudly displays the colors of our tribe.
      Always frame around the dependent variable. The dependent variable is a question and the independent variables are answers to a question. So it makes no sense to start with an answer. Rather, start with a question/puzzle! (Note that I don't mean the literal dependent variable in the analysis in the paper, but the larger process/pattern that it is supposed to represent).
      Frame around a puzzle in the world, not a literature. The only reason anyone cares about a literature is because it is helpful in clarifying puzzles in the world. So start with the puzzle. A related point is that just because a literature has not examined some phenomenon, that does not mean that you should. The only reason a phenomenon is interesting is if it poses a puzzle for existing ways of viewing the world. (Too often, I read papers that try to get motivation from the fact that a literature "has not looked at" x, y, or z. So what? There will always be a great deal of unstudied [by academics] phenomena. The question is why that matters. )
      解析:围绕一个问题/谜团行文,而不是一篇文献发现没有人报道就上马研究。没人做过,不代表有价值;具有可探索性以及其附带因果逻辑的问题,才有价值研究。浩天教育认为Introduction里引出自己研究内容的用词要注意了,虽然可能是说同一个研究,但表述为since X has not been studied, we...而不是陈述其涉及到的前因后果,就可能让人觉得这是一个为了研究而研究的无价值工作。也可以简单理解为“包装”。
      One hypothesis (or a few tightly related hypotheses) is enough. If people remember a paper at all, they will remember it for one idea. So no use trying to stuff a zillion ideas in a paper. A related problem with numerous hypotheses is that it’s never clear what implications the invalidation of any one hypothesis has for the theory hotessay.cn. (Note: the organizations community apparently does not agree with me on this one)
      Build up the null hypothesis to be as compelling as possible. A paper will not be interesting unless there is a really compelling null hypothesis. If there is no interesting alternative to the author's argument, why would anyone care about it? Flogging straw men is both unfair and uninteresting.
      Save the null. Since the null is compelling, it must be right under certain conditions. The author's job is to explain to the reader that s/he was right to believe x about the world, but that since x doesn't hold under certain conditions, s/he should shift to belief x‘. This helps the reader feel comfortable about shifting to a new idea. Moreover, a very subtle shift in thinking can go a long way.
      Orient the reader. The reader needs to know at all times how any sentence fits into the narrative arc of the paper. All too often, I read papers where I get lost in the trees and have no sense of the forest. The narrative arc should start with the first paragraph or two where a question/puzzle is framed and lead to the main finding of the paper. Everything else in the paper should be in service of that arc, either by clarifying the question or setting up the answer (including painstakingly dealing with objections). A related tip is:

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