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时间:2015-02-23 23:00来源:http://www.szdhsjt.com/ 作者:englishamatuer 点击:




The desire to stimulate production of goods that are competitive on the world markets, has initiated the creation of a new enterprise-wide method of continuous quality improvement of all organizational processes, production and service. This method is called total quality management. In this paper I am going to discover, discuss and analyze this theme. In the beginning I need to explore history of TQM, its concept, principles and deadly diseases in order to briefly explain how this philosophy practices in UAE organizations.
全面质量管理的历史——History of Total quality management
Total Quality Management is a philosophy of total quality management, has successfully launched many years ago in Japan and the US practice of awarding prizes to companies who have attained the highest quality products. The main idea of TQM is that the company should work not only on product quality, but also on quality of work as a whole, including the staff work. The continual and parallel improvement of these three components is: quality, quality of the process organization, and qualifications of staff. With the help of these components we can achieve more rapid and effective business development. Quality is defined by such categories as the degree of implementation of customer requirements, financial growth and employees’ satisfaction with their work. TQM involves two mechanisms: Quality Assurance (QA) - Quality Control and Quality Improvements (QI) - quality improvement. The first one – “quality control” maintains quality, and the company needs to provide certain guarantees, which give customers confidence in quality of the product or service. And the last one – “quality improvement” suggests that the level of quality is necessary not only to maintain but also to respectively increase, raising the level of guarantees. The ideology of TQM is described by a well-known Canadian expert on the quality George Laszlo.
什么是全面质量管理——What is total quality management?
According to free management library “TQM is a set of management practices throughout the organization, geared to ensure the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements. TQM places strong focus on process measurement and controls as means of continuous improvement” (Free management library “Total Quality Management (TQM)” retrieved from www.managementhelp.org).
Total quality management is a management system based on production of quality products and services. TQM is defined as focused on quality, customer-focused, evidence-based, managed a team process. TQM aims at the systematic accomplishment of strategic goals of the organization through continuous improvement work. The principles of TQM are also known as “universal quality improvement”, “world class quality”, “continuous quality improvement”, “universal service quality” and “total quality management.” The word “universal” in the concept of “total quality management” means that everyone must be involved in this process in the organization. The word “quality” means “concern for customer satisfaction”, and the word “management” refers to the staff and processes needed to achieve a certain level of quality. Total quality management is not a program; it is a systematic, integrated and organized style of work, aimed at continuous improvement. This is not a management fad, this is a time-tested style of management that have successfully used for decades by companies all over the world.
全面质量管理的原则——The principles of TQM
According to Martin Murray a number of key principles can be identified in defining TQM, including:
Executive Management – Top management should act as the main driver for TQM and create an environment that ensures its success.
Training – Employees should receive regular training on the methods and concepts of quality.
Customer Focus – Improvements in quality should improve customer satisfaction.
Decision Making – Quality decisions should be made based on measurements.
Methodology and Tools – Use of appropriate methodology and tools ensures that non-conformances are identified, measured and responded to consistently.
Continuous Improvement – Companies should continuously work towards improving manufacturing and quality procedures.
Company Culture – The culture of the company should aim at developing employees ability to work together to improve quality.
Employee Involvement – Employees should be encouraged to be pro-active in identifying and addressing quality related problems (Martin Murray “Total Quality Management (TQM)” retrieved from www.logistics.about.com).
爱德华·戴明提出的14个管理通用原则——14 universal principles of managements by Edward Deming
1. Set your goals with a plan to improve quality. 2. Adopt a new philosophy of quality. Everyone from top management to the lowest position of the employee, should accept the challenge of improving quality, learn their responsibilities and adhere to the requirements of a new philosophy. Production of poor quality should never reach the customer. 3. Put an end to negative depending on the too-frequent inspection and audit quality. The purpose of inspections is the process improvement and cost reduction, rather than just searching for defects. The need for frequent inspections may disappear by providing original quality. 4. Discontinue the practice of choosing suppliers based solely on the value of their goods and services. 5. Identify problems and work continuously to improve quality control system. Organizations must continuously improve management and quality control. Many managers tend to think that the structure of these programs have a beginning, middle and end. Total quality management has no end, it is a continuous process. The phrase “constant improvement” should be a common concern within the organization. 6. Establish training. It is important to adopt modern methods of a formal training, especially for new employees. 7. Educate and establish leadership. The aim of leadership should not only be an indication of what work to perform, but also help to better carry out this work. 8. Eradicate fear at work. The company should create an atmosphere of trust and innovation that each employee could work effectively for the benefit of improving the organization as a whole. Employees should not be afraid to introduce new ideas, and the organization must tolerate failures when employees experiment with new ideas. 9. Eliminate barriers between departments. The senior management must be established between the entities interaction rather than the competition. 10. Avoid empty slogans in workplace. Management should eliminate slogans and calls for the complete eradication of defects and errors, improving productivity without giving employees tools and describe methods to achieve such heights. 11. Minimize (or optimize) performance standards and quantitative indicators in workplace. 12. Eliminate management based on aspirations. The managers should develop methods to improve quality and attract a guide to help employees achieve their personal goals. Give your employees proud of their craftsmanship. Organizations should abolish the system of merit ratings, and not blame employees in failure of systems that are beyond their control. 13. Promote and encourage the detailed educational programs, and re-training. Enter the training relating to the statistical representation of the organization, and then expand it to common vision processes. This will give an idea of the organization as a whole, as a single organism. 14. Convert. Point each employee to make let the small change, but to improve the entire company. Create something like the information center to inform all employees about the progress.

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