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时间:2016-01-22 09:09来源:www.szdhsjt.com 作者:留学生作业 点击:


Situation In Pakistan And Remedial Steps Review 




The purpose of this letter is to call upon the best of the society in terms of character and abilities to combine their energies and drive the nation out at the quagmire of meaningless war, rampant corruption and the clutches of dishonest & directionless leadership it is so badly so caght up in . Its evident from a deep study at of Quran and history that whenever nations are caught up in such dark times the conscienscious among the nation should get up to realize their duty of giving direction to the nation in deed and word .As the saying goes, "when the going gets tough, the toughs get going".

Since the correct diagnosis is essential for prompt cure lets get the diagnoses at the present plight of ours. Its obvious that single most comprehensive word to describe the present situation is "the great unrest". The most important single factor forming a civilized society is the level of safety provided to innocent life, honour and property. Without the necessary level of safety one cannot concentrate abilities to construct one's mind and character simply because of the psychology of fear and over-engaging tedious struggle for mere survival .At present our society is inflicted heavily with the psychology of fear and uncertainty. Suicide attacks and planted bomb blasts along with news of drone attacks by the foreign forces within our territory killing innumerous lives every day has put unbearably negative impact on the National psyche. This horrible state of affairs is the result of many factors, the most important of which are these.

Educational Failure: Our inability to give top priority to education. By education I mean the comprehensive deeply thought out work to build the minds and character of our people to the highest possible level irrespective of their financial and ethnic backgrounds. It needs no explanations that the nation which is effectively educated, and by effective i mean the education which not only helps man how to earn but also make him know himself and building himself morally , such nation successfully tackles the problems posed to her from outside or within her jurisdiction including the natural calamities falling on her. If a nation is week within i.e., her individuals are not properly educated and its moral fabric is being eaten up such nations are an easy prey to the oppressors whether with in the nation or outside.

It seems that most of the organisations claiming to be representing Allah's messages put much more emphasis on revealing the evil designes of the outside oppressers than to concentrate curing for the moral and intellectual desease inflicting the Nation. In no way i am negating the importance of keeping and an eye on the enemy's designs and to take necessary action for effectively counting them incuding the public awareness compaign .But what I'm trying to highlight is the amount of time and energies given to this excersie as compared to the much more important work of reconstructing the nation effectively.Even the set of activities which are propounded by them for building nation that can hardly be taken as effective tools when put to light of Quran Sunnah and aligned facts of humanities.

There's a clear deficiency of comprehensive understanding of the spirit of Islam and crafting balanced approach to realize that spirit. At present, neither our universities and colleges nor or religious instituitions are able to inculcate necessary wisdom that Quran is full of. Both sides are equally incapable of grasping the essential needs of self to grow. Both in their own ways are successful in killing the spark within that Allah created and wanted to grow under the balanced guidance given by Him.

Resultantly, the inbalances infliciting the personalities has left Man fighting with his nature and with the State. Also there various streams of education have created wide gulf among their respective followers and this gulf of ideological,emotional and financial gap is widening day by day.

This is the most important reasons for unrest in our society that needs to be addreassed urgently and effectively. When the self has the natural urge to grow and demands positive change while the people in command of affairs, be it religion, politics or education, are bent upon defending the status quo irrationally by means of force ,then this tussle manifests itself in various ugly and unprecendented forms.

经济功能失调:——Economic Dysfunctionality:

Ours is the state where basic necessities of life have become so expensive that it is simply impossible for even hard working talented men and women to survive while keeping their morals intact.Power failures are so frequent that light has become a prescious comodity here. Running of industry profitably and morally is difficult. This has created widspread sense of deprivation among the masses of Pakistan, specially the rural and tribal areas, which has also contributed to youngsters resorting to violence. As our beloved prophet has said:

"Masses follow the path of kings"

When the rulers and elites of the society indulge in extravagance and illegal mean of earning, and when public's hard earned money is stolen in the name of heavy taxes in petroleum products, electricity and other house hold commodities, while no significant services are given back in return, then the lower strata feels free to resort to illegal means of earning too. This phenomenon has a lot of share in the moral degeneration of our society at present including the unprecedented pressures on family and marital life.

错误的政治结构和外国干预:——Faulty Political Structure & Foreign Intervention:

The puppet regimes that encroach the positions authority in our society, and which sometimes come under the garb of democracy and sometimes in the uniform of military have played key roles in letting the foreign powers intervene in the affairs of state to the ever higher levels. Rather it is but an undeniable fact that Pakistan today has been turned into a mere state or colony of the U.S. Vital decisions of who would rule the country and how the country would be run are handled indirectly by the U.S. Drone attacks with in our territory have become daily routine while our own armed forces have been forced to engage in a war thataa??a?¢s meant to bleed Muslims by the hands of Muslims. Its a war which had a highly smoky inception with an event of 9/11 that till date hasn't been properly probed into by the US Government herself. It was a totally farce based on undeniable scientific evidences which has resulted in ruthless killing of 1million lives in Iraq, more in Afghanistan and has left so many homeless and crippled. The rulers of Muslims are simply seen as people as far from the hearts and minds of the people as East from West. They have been unable to protect the lives, properties and honour of their people particularly in Pakistan. The missing persons like Aafiah Siddiqi are the evidence of Musharraf's government shameless policy of handing over the innocent and unproven guilty people to the US without a fair trial.

All this has resulted in producing a dangerous situation in which our soldiers are wasting their valour and blood fighting someone else's war and the public has no trust on the Government and the political system at large. The cost of getting into this war partnering with the US is up to the tune of billions of dollars monetarily, along with priceless lives and honour and most of all the peace of mind and soul.

Now we have to analyze and see how this situation can be changed positively.


To change this grim situation, we have to work simultaneously in these three areas:




Because sustainable and positive change in anyone of these areas is only possible when corresponding changes in the others take place. Let us now elaborate a bit on the necessary initial steps in these areas:

In the field of education a fresh revolutionary outlook about man's real destiny based on Quranic wisdom should be made the corner stone of our efforts in this area.

It must contain these elements if we are to succeed:

It should be based on deep understanding of human nature and must be designed in such a way that the level of interest and incentive for focusing doesn't fade away whatever the circumstances.

It must have necessary flexibility to cater for the individualistic demands be these pertaining to the evil of genius or the circumstantial compulsions.

In no way a person having serious moral and intellectual diseases should pass through the examining sieves unless and until he removes those. Yet the level of compassion and understanding should be overwhelming in its fabric.

It must be provieding vocational training as well as guide the students to recognizing their hidden talents and choose the fieds in which they have natural ability to excel.

Practical steps for bringing about change in Educational arena:

For this very purpose, our think tank has started working on making curriculum for the pupils of grade 8 to 12, and also for primary classes. This exercise should encompass all grades and forms of education including the vocational education and distance education . Works such as Dr. Rafiuddin's " FIRST PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION " and Iqbal's" RECONSTRUCTION OF RELIGIOUS THROUGHT IN ISLAM" must be given special attention in this regard.

A separate cell has to been initiated to effectively take care of using the media power for educating the masses and to help them overcome the imbalances and vagueness of ideas in any form. Beautiful short films and dramas are planned to be written and presented in order to reverse the negative trends prevailing in the current media.

Written material of high class is being produced to counter the intellectual and ideological attack on Islam.

Our think tank in collaboration with the most effective think tanks of China, Turkey and Malaysia will work to hold national and international conferences with great effectiveness to pave the way for a united effort at the international level for the common goal of achieving sustainable and comprehensive peace and moral rebuilding of Man.

An effective crash course of six months to one year for leadership training must be designed through which identified cream of the nation, be it in the country or overseas Pakistan, should pass so that future able leadership is prepared on short term basis for filling the vaccuum of leadership we presently face.

政治舞台上采取的措施:——Steps to be taken in the Political arena:

In a state that seems to be in shambles and dysfunctionary rather malfunctioning in every sphere of government while the people of Pakistan are virtually going through a state of war and chaos in wake of suicide bomb ,drone attacks and recent floods, necessary steps for rectification must be taken on war footings which include:

Council of elders: A council of elders must be formed to unite those elders on whom society has a general cousensus , and who are respected on the basis of their services and character to help the nation in regaining the psychological and mental balance which has been badly hurt during the last decade or so. Their wisdom must be based on Qur'an.

Youth Forum: An another platform must be made comprising the best of the youth to work under the guidance of these elders for implementing the policies that have been finalized.

As Iqbal says,“The flame of life cannot be borrowed from others; it must be kindled in the temple of oe's own soul! Let then, the fire of youth mingle with the fire of faith, in order to enhance the glow of Life, and to create a new world of actions for our future generation!"

Thus two platforms must and should act so actively and wisely that in a short course of time it may be possible to unite the nation on a common agenda and mobilize it in a way to positively change the complexion of the country in all walks of life.

经济舞台上采取的措施:——Steps to be taken in Economic arena:

Economic uplifting of common man is the most essential part for this struggle for change. It is worth mentioning that in the letters of Iqbal to Jinnah in the 30's, the significance of steps to improve the economic condition of the masses was specially highlighted by the great thinker before the great leader .It was also reiterated in those letters that if the political leadership of the time could not positively effect the conditions of the Muslims in India with concrete steps, it would be difficult to mobilize the masses for major political change. This is valid even today. We have to initiate projects that wil help the people of Pakistan to come over their crises in a big way.

We are in negotiations with the largest think tank of China "Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" for designing a new banking system in fundamentals and principles that would be free from the negative effects of present banking system, particularly Usuary. This effort must enhanced to realize this dream and efforts of such nature as initiating cheap electricity production in private sector ,introduction of advanced agricultural techniques in ways that are affordable for our peasant, production of electric cars in Pakistan to cut the import bill of petrol etc can and must be realized with the help of talented and well-off overseas Pakistanis and our friends and brothers from Turkey, Malaysia and China. These steps will not only help us train the manpower for the needed political change but will also build good will and trust in the masses for our team. Further details of short and long-term projects can be developed once these like minded people get together.

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