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英文个人陈述:牙科专业个人陈述Dentistry Personal Statement

时间:2014-05-15 16:50来源:http://www.szdhsjt.com/ht 作者:carrier 点击:
Dentistry has been an area of great interest to me from a very young age and I am now keen to pursue this career by studying at the University of London. I have always been particularly interested in the scientific nature of dentistry, as well as the


Dentistry has been an area of great interest to me from a very young age and I am now keen to pursue this career by studying at the University of London.  I have always been particularly interested in the scientific nature of dentistry, as well as the compassionate and healthcare factors involved.  I have a genuine desire to offer the very best healthcare to patients, as well as being keen to pursue the rigorous and demanding study required in order to fully grasp the scientific concepts.

My passion for healthcare and specifically dentistry was furthered during my A-Level courses where I studied Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics, achieving A, B, B grades.  These courses enabled me to gain a fundamental understanding of the nature of dentistry.  My interest in healthcare has been long established; however, it was the all-embracing ability of dentistry to transcend both scientific and sociological areas of study, not to mention the fact that a practising dentist remains with the patient for a considerable period of time, that finally led me to wish to pursue a career in dentistry.  In addition, I was concerned with the lack of continuity of patient contact within the medical field and felt that my inter-personal skills were better suited to long-term relationships such as those seen between dentist and patient.

Having determined that dentistry was my career of choice, I then undertook a summer internship at my local dentist’s surgery.  Throughout this internship, I was involved with a range of services, such as routine check-ups and more complicated extractions.  It soon became clear to me that dentistry was definitely my passion, not least because I found the scientific side challenging and interesting.  I thoroughly enjoyed the interpersonal aspects too and found the psychological element of dealing with often very nervous patients very rewarding, particularly when the desired result was achieved.  I also became aware of the huge range of specialist practices that were available within the dental profession and this has spurred me on even further to the pursue dentistry academically at the University of London.

Studying dentistry at the University of London is a key aim for me due to its highly acclaimed academic record, as well as the multiple opportunities that it provides to see the practical application of current research practices.

Throughout my academic career, I have taken part in a wide range of extracurricular activities, all of which have allowed me to develop transferable skills which will further support my study of dentistry.  Sporting activities and other teamwork-based activities have allowed me to hone these skills and my capacity for leading others in pulling together in order to achieve a desired result.  I feel this is relevant and important to dentistry, as it is often necessary to draw on several different specialisms in order to achieve the best possible care for the patient.  Furthermore, the communication skills that I have developed, over the years, will allow me to communicate effectively with a wide range of patients.  This will be of particular importance when it comes to communicating complex scientific issues in a way that is understandable to patients.

I am genuinely passionate about pursuing a career in dentistry.  Moreover, I believe that studying dentistry at the University of London will enable me to develop a detailed and comprehensive academic understanding.  It will also give me the opportunity to work in multiple outreach environments in order to develop my patient-handling skills.  It is this combination of academic rigour and research excellence, together with the opportunity to apply this knowledge in a practical context that has attracted me to study dentistry at the University of London.

I am confident that I have the necessary academic background to be successful in the study of dentistry.  Furthermore, I offer the practical experience that I have obtained through my work experience, specifically the summer internship spent at a local dentist’s surgery.  With this in mind, I feel I have the correct mixture of skills that will allow me to be successful in the pursuit of a career in dentistry.  I am conscientious, detail-orientated and I have a genuine desire to pursue this area of study to the highest possible level.  All of these factors, I believe, will combine to ensure that I am a suitable candidate for a place on the dentistry course at the University of London.

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