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时间:2018-06-22 08:36来源:www.szdhsjt.com 作者:cinq 点击:
Positive outcomes include the following: Creation of bigger range in quality ideas Identifying and bring in the surface the dark inaccurate cases Clarification of individual views that build learning


Positive outcomes include the following:
Creation of bigger range in quality ideas
Identifying and bring in the surface the "dark" inaccurate cases
Clarification of individual views that build learning
Improvement of participation and creativeness
Motivate your employees in participate in useful discussions and improve their negotiations skills within healthy procedures
Examples of negative outcomes
Increased stress and anxiety among personnel, which guide in low performance and personal satisfaction
Feelings as being defeated and humiliated, which affect negatively individuals' morale
A mistrust climate, which reduce working relationships, collaboration and teamwork.
Latent Conflict. Latent conflict is visible conflict waiting to happen.
Felt Conflict. Felt conflict is experienced as discomfort and tension.
Perceived Conflict. Perceived conflict is the awareness that we are in a conflict situation.
Manifest Conflict. After conflict is perceived and felt, it may or may not become open, or manifest.
Conflict Aftermath. Conflict is likely to breed more conflict and, when it does, that conflict is likely to take on a life of its own. (Gholipour A. 2006).
Everyone in his personal life has his own style in facing conflicts. In the following paragraphs you can see the most well known - frequent and usual approaches in conflict management.
Avoidance is a conflict style, where the involved parties or groups are pretending that everything is fine, while "inside of them" they feel that there is a serious problem. Avoidance can also be an occasion where some of the parties are quitted from the conflict issue, not so much interested in find the solution, since it might considered from their side as a non personal obligation, or because they "unlike" the other parties' opinion. In low levels and not so important issues, this style can be sometimes a good solution, but usually it finally guides in bad working environment and relationships.
The accommodating style of conflict management is more cooperative than the previous one. In this style, the one party offers or accepts, what the others believe that it is correct. This type of person is usually afraid to argue with their opponents because either they believe that they will destroy their relationships with them, or they feel that they will not come up to a solution. We can say that from one side they're giving up their proposals. This style is a good way to manage conflicts, but you might lose proposals or ideas, which could be interesting from the person that always go a step back in front of the most dominant persons.
The compromising style is always referred as the "middle-level solution". In this style all the involved persons are "giving a little" of them in order to come up in the best solution. We can say that it is a kind of bargaining. It is a quite effective in overpass conflicts usually without negative outcomes.
People often show a competitive style to in order to achieve their goals or to perceive the other parties following their ideas. Competition may create bad relationships with others, if one is always trying to maximize his own outcomes at the expense of others' well-being. "This approach may be effective if one has strong moral objections to the alternatives or if the alternatives one is opposing, are unethical or harmful". (www.flatworldknowledge.com)
Collaboration is a conflict management style that is almost similar to effective negotiation or to win-win solutions. In this occasion both of the involved parties may conflict each other, but they always try to find the best solution, which can satisfy all of them and also serves the common goal. For example if an employee is performing well in his job obligation and he is asking to attend an MBA program in order to improve more his management skills, then he may ask from his company to pay the program for him. Then the manager can propose to him: "Yes I will pay your MBA program, but you have to stay 2 years more in the company, after you will have finished it. Otherwise you will return back our paid amounts". It sounds like a fair solution for both of the sides.
Change the Composition of the Team
If the conflict is between colleagues then a good solution could be, separating the personalities that are creating the biggest problems. "In circumstances where conflict is attributed to the widely different styles, values, and preferences of a small number of members, replacing some of these members may resolve the problem. If that's not possible because everyone's skills are needed on the team and substitutes aren't available, consider a physical layout solution. Research has shown that when known antagonists are seated directly across from each other, the amount of conflict increases. However, when they are seated side by side, the conflict tends to decrease". (Howat, G., & London, M. 1980)
Create a Common Opposing Force
Group conflict within a corporation can be reduced by turn their attention on a common enemy such as the competition. For example, two product managers might argue in which of their two products are going to spend more marketing expenses, each trying to get more resources in order to promote more his product to the market. Then instead of fighting each other, it would be better someone to turn them in focusing on a competitive product and get them responsible how to develop their products together, much more than the competition to the market.
Consider Majority Rule
Group conflict can be dramatically reduced by using the "traditional" majority rule process. In this case every one of the involved parties is proposing an idea and then all together vote in order to choose the one with the higher votes. Majority rule could be a creative process, but it has to be followed always with creative discussions and not operating as an easy solution for decreasing conflicts, through groups or persons. Sometimes it has negative outcomes, when most of the times the same persons' ideas frequently "pass". Then the other members of the procedure might feel that something unfair is going on, as for example the "cliques" creation between persons that voting all the time their personal ideas.
Problem Solve
"Problem solving is a common approach to resolving conflict. In problem-solving mode, the individuals or groups in conflict are asked to focus on the problem, not on each other, and to uncover the root cause of the problem. This approach recognizes the rarity of one side being completely right and the other being completely wrong". (www.flatworldknowledge.com).
Summarizing all the above described in this assignment, we can easily realize that conflict management is a very important issue in workplace. We cannot evaluate how it could be solved, or which is the best way to manage or approach to its resolution. It would be definitely positive for companies to set up conflict policies, so they can control better such problems. But the assured thing is that, even policies would be set up, every manager, every employee has to be careful and try to take advantage of the positive effects that conflict can give. Thus, in order to achieve this, everyone has to "do it" with his own style, since he has to adapt his behavior depending on the working environment he is occupied. If we think again that conflict guides in violence in workplace, but can guide also to creative solutions, integrative negotiations, passion for participating in problems solving, we have to individually think and drive ourselves at the positive part of conflict results.

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